The first step of any financial advice journey is working out exactly where you are right now. Collecting all the factual information to work out financially where you are. But the process that is most valuable is the digging deeper to see what other things are holding you back. These could be emotional biases, external influences that you have no control over or maybe you just don’t fully understand how all the bigger picture financial things work together.
A financial adviser can write a financial plan for anyone, using the best strategies available. BUT if that plan doesn’t align with your own priorities and biases, then chances are the plan won’t be successful.
Understanding YOU is essential to getting the right plan for you.
Maybe the goals you want to set aren’t the stock standard goals. Maybe your goals are more around achieving the lifestyle that you want. Balancing the now with the later. Retiring young enough so that you are still physically able to get out there and see things. Having a plan can help you determine if these goals are achievable or if they are just wishes.
Sure we will discuss all the boring stuff like investments, superannuation and insurances but once you understand how these areas all form a crucial part of your plan, then they won’t seem so boring after all.
A Financial Plan that is tailored to you takes into consideration:
- Where you are now,
- Where you want to be,
- What you are willing to sacrifice, and
- What you are not willing to sacrifice.
When your plan takes into account all of these factors it’s easier to stick to because it is based on what your goals and priorities are.
So, if you are ready to stop wishing and start planning, book in for a complimentary introductory phone call to see if having a qualified Financial Adviser is the first step to take to reach your goals.